March for a Clean Energy Revolution
The nation's spotlight will shine on Philadelphia during the Democratic National Convention. Now more than ever, it is imperative that...

March for a Clean Energy Revolution
#Philadelphia #event #2016 #globalwarming #conservation #sustainable

Treat, Trim, and Tend Your Trees Workshop
Treat, Trim and Tend Your Trees Presented by Julianne Schieffer, Penn State Forester Bring tools and gloves as we practice hands on care...
Meeting Minutes
Lehigh Valley Sierra Club : Executive Committee meeting Monday, May 16, 2016 - 7:00 p.m. Room 638, Fowler Southside Center,...
Meeting Agenda
This MONDAY APRIL 18 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. : Lehigh Valley Sierra Club meeting Sixth floor, Fowler Family Southside Center, Northampton...

Historic Preservation: Respecting a Community's Past While Planning Its Future
Thursday, May 5, the SBHS is presenting a conference, “Historic Preservation: Respecting a Community’s Past While Planning Its Future,”...
Dear Pres. Obama
http://www.dearpresidentobama.com/about-the-film/ "Our new film “Dear President Obama, The Clean Energy Revolution Is Now” is currently...

Lead Pollution: Risk and Response in the Lehigh Valley
Lehigh Valley Sierra Club presents: Lead Pollution: Risk and Response in the Lehigh Join us as the Lehigh Valley Chapter of the Sierra...
ExCom information
Our Meeting Dates: Here are LHV Group ExCom meeting dates thru July 2016; all meetings are on Mondays at 7:00 p.m. and are in Room 638,...

McNamara Park
Hi All: Last Fall some of us may remember that the local group of the Sierra Club agreed to partner with the City of Bethlehem and...