22 Waterfalls Hike at Ricketts Glen State Park
22 Waterfalls Hike at Ricketts Glen State Park, Red Rock (Sullivan County), PA
Saturday October 7, 2017 - 1:00 pm to about 4:00 pm
Ricketts Glen State Park, about 2 hours from the Lehigh Valley, is the home of the National Landmark Ricketts Glen Waterfall Trail, past 22 magnificent waterfalls. Ricketts Glen was originally slated to be Pennsylvania's first National Park in the early 20th Century but it was deeded to Pennsylvania by the federal government when Depression-era finances couldn't finance a new park. This trip is generally viewed as one of the most spectacular hikes in Pennsylvania.
LENGTH and TIME: The hike is on a Y-shaped trail of about 3 miles and takes about 3 hours, due to down-up trail nature.
WHO SHOULD GO: This hike is of moderate difficulty: the principal concerns on this down-and-back-up hike are that portions are on narrow solid rock paths that can be slippery from the waterfall spray or residual rainwater. Is not a hike for anyone unsteady or unbalanced in their gait because of age or disability. If you have never gone on any hike before this is probably not your best first event. But if you are able to walk without unsteadiness and you've done any previous hiking at all, this hike is not strenuous or dangerous and you'll enjoy one of the best walks in our state.

WEAR: hiking shoes with good, sticky soles for a wet trail, a jacket and a hat that can get a little wet from waterfall spray, a filled water bottle, and a snack.
LUNCH: You probably want to grab some lunch before the hike: there are several small restaurants along Route 118 as you approach Route 487 in Red Rock.
HIKE START: We will meet at 1:00 p.m. in Ricketts Glen State Park at the Lake Rose Trailhead Parking Lot, about 3/4 mile southeast of the Ricketts Glen State Park Visitors Center. We should be back at the parking lot about 4 pm (sunset is about 6:30) and you should be home to the Lehigh Valley (before dark) by about 6 pm.
Pennsylvania Turnpike Northeast Extension (I-476) North to Exit 105, onto Route 115 North to near Wilkes-Barre, where Route 115 becomes Route 309. Route 309 northwest, exiting at Route 415. Take Route 415 (Memorial Highway) west through borough of Dallas and then turn Left onto Route 118. Take Route 118 about 15 miles west to Route 487 in Red Rock and turn Right onto Route 487. Go about 3 miles north on Route 487 to Park Entrance on your Right and Visitors Center.
Questions: contact Don Miles at donmiles@rcn.com