ExCom information
Our Meeting Dates:
Here are LHV Group ExCom meeting dates thru July 2016; all meetings are on Mondays at 7:00 p.m. and are in Room 638, Fowler Southside Center, Northampton Community College, 3rd and Buchanan Streets, (south) Bethlehem, PA 18015:
April 18
May 16
June 23
July - no meeting in July.
We set our meeting dates for Aug. - Jan. 2016 after consulting with the college in June; they generally are the 3rd Monday of each month except July.
LV Group Executive Committee (“ExCom”) roles:
(We have 2 vacancies on our ExCom; contact Don Miles if you can help us with that.)
chair: Donald Miles
vice-chair: Matthew MacConnell
treasurer: David Reber
secretary: vacant
Group delegate to state Chapter ExCom: Matthew MacConnell
Alternate Group delegate to state Chapter ExCom: Sheila Gallagher
Alternate Group delegate to state Chapter ExCom: Andrew Unger
conservation chair: Matthew MacConnell
political chair: Albert Wurth
outings chair: vacant
outreach/events chair: Sheila Gallagher
website chair: Douglas Roysdon
newsletter chair: Matthew MacConnell
special projects: Andrew Unger and Douglas Roysdon.