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Lead Pollution: Risk and Response in the Lehigh Valley

Lehigh Valley Sierra Club presents:

Lead Pollution: Risk and Response in the Lehigh

Join us as the Lehigh Valley Chapter of the Sierra Club presents an information panel and community discussion on Lead Pollution: Risk and Response in the Lehigh Valley on Wednesday, April 27 at 7:00 pm at the Ice House in Bethlehem.

The impact of lead on public health has become a visible environmental issue in recent months, especially in light of the national attention to the lead contamination of water in Flint, Michigan. According to one Sierra Club spokesperson, "The unfortunate story of the lead contamination of the public water supply in Flint, Michigan, and the recent news coverage of high blood lead levels in children in Pennsylvania cities and especially in the Lehigh Valley, along with the water test samples in local schools have raised levels of concern about lead pollution for residents of the Lehigh Valley and the Commonwealth, and for people all over the U.S.”

This free educational program will include presentations by experts on the scientific knowledge about lead exposure, the medical effects of lead on children and the general population, and the public health risks from and responses to lead pollution. Information will include the ways people can be exposed to lead pollution and the measures that citizens can adopt to reduce lead exposure and protect their families and communities from the risks of lead. Along with the presentations, there will be time for questions, along with an open discussion among all the community participants.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016 - 7:00 the Charles A. Brown Ice House (on Sand Island, at the south end of Main Street), 56 River Street, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

Featured Speakers:

Arup SenGupta, P.C. Rossin Professor of Civil and Chemical Engineering, Lehigh University

Dr. Andrew Unger, MD FAAP, chief of Pediatrics and Neonatology, Sacred Heart Hospital, Allentown

A Representative of the Government of the City of Bethlehem

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