Meeting Minutes
Lehigh Valley Sierra Club : Executive Committee meeting
Monday, May 16, 2016 - 7:00 p.m.
Room 638, Fowler Southside Center, Northampton Community College, 3rd & Buchanan St., (south) Bethlehem, PA
ExCom Attending: Doug Roysdon, Andy Unger, Dave Reber, Don Miles; absent: Al Wurth, Sheila Gallagher, Matt MacConnell.
Also attending: Brian Hillard, Javier Toro, Nancy McGonigal, Sarah Atwood.
Introductions were made. The following matters were discussed:
— Treasurer (Dave Reber): no change from last month; Hulpits grant reimbursement applied for MacConnell projects.
-- 2016 LV Sierra Club Newsletter and ExCom election (up for re-election: Reber, McConnell, Unger and election: MacGonigal, Toro), articles needed to be emailed to Newsletter editor MacConnell.
— Webmaster Sarah Atwood discussed Website ( ) and need for more articles to be submitted to Sarah at several were promised.
— Doug Roysdon summarized "Lead Pollution in the Lehigh Valley - Risk & Response” presented on Wed. April 27 at the Charles Brown Ice House, Bethlehem, PA.
— Doug also summarized Tree Planting in Bethlehem on Sat. April 30, 9 to 2.
— Doug also summarized an update on the discussions on a proposed Bethlehem walk/bike bridge over Lehigh River - update from Doug Roysdon reviewed our two Feb. 2016 community meetings and upcoming plan for developing more community support with a series of community meetings, June to December 2016, TBA.
— Don Miles summarized Southside Children's Festival presented on Saturday May 7, 12 to 4.
— Don requested help to table for Sierra Club at the ArtsQuest "Step Outdoors" Festival - June 4-5: Nanci MacGonigal and Javier Toro volunteered to help; Don will provide details to them.
— No Conservation committee report (Matt MacConnell had a conflicting work meeting tonight).
No votes were taken by the ExCom.
NEXT MEETING: Monday, June 13, 7:00 p.m., same location
(NOTE: this is the 2nd Monday in June, not the usual 3rd Monday, due to a scheduling change by Northampton Community College, our meeting host.)
— submitted by Donald Miles, chair, Lehigh Valley Sierra Club